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The Best Pizza Places In Israel (So Far…)

As you’re reading this, I’m probably wandering my way through the street of Jerusalem looking for a decent slice. Although this is my ninth trip to Israel, it wasn’t until a trip in 2010 that I started to explore Israel’s surprisingly dense pizza scene.

To recap… I believe that most pizza places in Israel fall into three categories:

1) Traditional, old school “pizza” places that make you rethink how you define pizza. These people might be found in small shops in the old city of Jerusalem cooking warm pita-like bread on ovens that look like they date back to the patriarchal days. I went to one place like this last year — Yeminite Food Bar in Safed.

2) Modern slice joints, similar to what you might find on the street corners of New York City. The main difference is that most of these places are inferior to your average pizza place in the city. They often have tables outside (space is more abundant in Israel and the weather is better) and rather than making pies with a single topping they will cook up pies with four different topping combinations, each relegated to it’s own quarter of the pie. Many are also kosher and do not serve meat on any pies. I tried four such places last year — Tito Bravo, Big Apple Pizza, Pizza Sababa, and Chili Pizzeria — all which were located in Jerusalem. Tito Bravo was easily the best.

3) Upscale, artisinal pizza joints that make pies similar to what you might find at Co and Motorino. These are few and far between, but while the first two types of places have been abundant in Israel for decades, the third is just beginning to make it’s mark on the Israel pizza scene. It is this category of pizza places that I believe has the most potential to expand its reach throughout urban areas of Israel over the next five years. I tried one such place last year and it was the best pizza I had in Israel. It was at a modest restaurant in the heart of Tel Aviv simply known as The Pizza (or in Hebrew, HaPizza).

Below are photos from each place I tried last year. Although I don’t anticipate getting to as many places on this trip, hopefully I’ll have time to squeeze in a slice or two.

Big Apple Pizza (Jerusalem)

Chili Pizzeria (Jerusalem)

About I Dream Of Pizza

Some guys dream about winning the Powerball jackpot, making love to Kate Upton, or scoring the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. But personally, I spend most of my time dreaming about digging my face into a mouth watering slice of pizza. Fireworks are ignited. Music comes out of nowhere. And just like that, I’ve fallen in love once again. Since 2008, I've chronicled my pizza eating adventures in New York City and around the world on I Dream Of Pizza -- the web's most popular blog dedicated entirely to pizza.
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