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PizzaPages.com: Find A Local Pizza Shop Becomes Easy

Today, I bring you information about PizzaPages.com a new Philadelphia based start-up that allows consumers to find local pizza parlors by web, mobile applications and soon… by text message too. The text message platform – launching in August – will allow consumers to text their zip code to the word “Pizza” and have the information and current special of a local pizza parlor sent back to them. Pretty cool…

Considering that the domain name pizza.com sold for $2.6 million, it’s hard to believe nobody thought about getting ahold of the five digit text message shortcode for PIZZA — that’s 74992 — until now!

Anyhow, the site currently has more than 21,000 listings nationwide… not a bad start for a company which has set out to make finding and ordering pizza as simple as possible. Check them out. Oh and you can visit their Facebook page here.

About I Dream Of Pizza

Some guys dream about winning the Powerball jackpot, making love to Kate Upton, or scoring the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl. But personally, I spend most of my time dreaming about digging my face into a mouth watering slice of pizza. Fireworks are ignited. Music comes out of nowhere. And just like that, I’ve fallen in love once again. Since 2008, I've chronicled my pizza eating adventures in New York City and around the world on I Dream Of Pizza -- the web's most popular blog dedicated entirely to pizza.
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