NYC & Company recently published an article about two of the city’s most famous pizza tours — Scott’s Pizza Tours and A Slice of Brooklyn Bus Tours. I guess each of these tours make sense if you’re coming from out of town and only have a limited time in New York, but for a local, I’m not sure the extra money is worth it to see places you’d be able to see on your own. The article does make a case for taking the tours though.
“I take people into the kitchen and we learn how the pizza’s made, how the ovens are different and why the pizza comes out differently.” And the selection is more varied than you think. “It’s not just ‘New York-style,'” Scott says, dismissing the oversimplified Chicago-New York dichotomy. “We have this landscape of all kinds of pizza.” He then discusses the differences among coal ovens, wood-burning ovens and gas-fueled deck ovens.
Scott’s walking tour is $30 and the bus tour is $55… which appears to be a bit more reasonable than the Brooklyn bus tour which is $75. I guess when you compare the entertainment value to that of a Broadway show or sporting event the price seems to be in the ballpark of what would seem reasonable. It is worth nothing that both of these tours have great reviews which says something for their quality and value.
Want a taste of what you’d be getting? Check out Scott giving a tour to the band Wild Yaks, courtesy of Fader TV.