Remember earlier this year when we blogged about pizza beer?

If that didn’t sound nasty enough, has informed us that Greenpoint’s T&N Wine and Liquor (83 Manhattan Avenue) is now selling Pizza Wine!

According to the bottle reads:
This fresh RED WINE has been specifically developed to match the variety of flavors found in PIZZA. The grapes have been grown under a wide, blue and sun filled sky which packs the grape with BEAUTIFUL FLAVOR. Some of the natural grape sweetness has been retained to further enhance your enjoyment of this wine. If you enjoy your affair with this wine please recommend it to your friends as it is a new product and may not have discovered it.
Peter Brown
Curious what it tasted like? Click here to read the entire review. Apparently it “goes pretty nicely with pizza— albeit probably not as well as a beer would.”
Nevertheless, we’re in no rush to hop on the subway and pick up a bottle.